We have many areas where we are still in need of volunteers and we would love to have YOU help make this year’s ride a success! We are looking for support in the following areas:
- Pre-ride Support
- Route marking – place route markings on road intersection points
- Food prep – prepare food to be distributed to the rest stops
- Day of Support
- Registration – duties include one of the following: registering riders, checking in pre-registered riders, t-shirt distribution, map distribution, route explanation
- SAG/Runner Leader – act as the primary contact for the satellite rest stops and SAG vehicles. Oversee the supply levels and communicate with ride coordinator if additional supplies are needed. Don’t worry – support and instructions are provided!
- SAG/Runner – monitor the route for rider safety. Pick up supplies from Kennel Lake and deliver to the respective rest stop when required – a larger vehicle is bonus!
- Rest stop support – ‘work’ the rest stop. Keep the tables stocked with supplies to support our fabulous riders!
- Clean Up Crew – fun times were had but now it is time to clean up and pack things away for the next ride. Tasks include: supply packing, sweeping and mopping floors, kitchen cleanup, bathroom cleanup – supplies will be provided.
Sign Up
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Parking on August 23, 2025
Start Time: 5:30 amEnd Time: 8:30 am
If you have an account, it is strongly recommended that you login before you sign up so that you can view and edit all your signups.